Results for 'Patricia Pearl O'Rourke'

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  1.  53
    An immodest proposal: Banking embryonic stem cells for solid organ transplantation is problematic and premature.Jeffrey L. Ecker & Patricia Pearl O'Rourke - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (8):48 – 50.
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  2. Clarifying the Ethics and Oversight of Chimeric Research.Josephine Johnston, Insoo Hyun, Carolyn P. Neuhaus, Karen J. Maschke, Patricia Marshall, Kaitlynn P. Craig, Margaret M. Matthews, Kara Drolet, Henry T. Greely, Lori R. Hill, Amy Hinterberger, Elisa A. Hurley, Robert Kesterson, Jonathan Kimmelman, Nancy M. P. King, Melissa J. Lopes, P. Pearl O'Rourke, Brendan Parent, Steven Peckman, Monika Piotrowska, May Schwarz, Jeff Sebo, Chris Stodgell, Robert Streiffer & Amy Wilkerson - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S2):2-23.
    This article is the lead piece in a special report that presents the results of a bioethical investigation into chimeric research, which involves the insertion of human cells into nonhuman animals and nonhuman animal embryos, including into their brains. Rapid scientific developments in this field may advance knowledge and could lead to new therapies for humans. They also reveal the conceptual, ethical, and procedural limitations of existing ethics guidance for human‐nonhuman chimeric research. Led by bioethics researchers working closely with an (...)
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    The Final Rule: When the Rubber Meets the Road.P. Pearl O'Rourke - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (7):27-33.
    The Common Rule originally issued in 1991 and last amended in 2005 is scheduled to be replaced on January 19, 2018 by a revised Common Rule. The goal of the revisions is to modernize and improve applicability of the rule to a research landscape that has dramatically changed since 1991. Translating these changes into action will require comprehensive understanding of the final rule and detailed implementation planning by Human Research Protection Programs. This paper presents select changes that require substantial attention; (...)
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  4.  41
    Return of Genetic Research Results to Participants and Families: IRB Perspectives and Roles.Laura M. Beskow & P. Pearl O'Rourke - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):502-513.
    We surveyed IRB chairs' perspectives on offering individual genetic research results to participants and families, including family members of deceased participants, and the IRB's role in addressing these issues. Given a particular hypothetical scenario, respondents favored offering results to participants but not family members, giving choices at the time of initial consent, and honoring elicited choices. They felt IRBs should have authority regarding the process issues, but a more limited role in medical and scientific issues.
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    Part-Human Animal Research: The Imperative to Move Beyond a Philosophical Debate.Melinda Abelman, P. Pearl O'Rourke & Kai C. Sonntag - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (9):26-28.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 9, Page 26-28, September 2012.
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    Canadian Research Ethics Board Leadership Attitudes to the Return of Genetic Research Results to Individuals and Their Families.Conrad V. Fernandez, P. Pearl O'Rourke & Laura M. Beskow - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):514-522.
    Genomic research may uncover results that have direct actionable benefit to the individual. An emerging debate is the degree to which researchers may have responsibility to offer results to the biological relatives of the research participant. In a companion study to one carried out in the United States, we describe the attitudes of Canadian Research Ethics Board chairs to this issue and their opinions as to the role of the REB in developing related policy.
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    Returning Individual Research Results from Digital Phenotyping in Psychiatry.Francis X. Shen, Matthew L. Baum, Nicole Martinez-Martin, Adam S. Miner, Melissa Abraham, Catherine A. Brownstein, Nathan Cortez, Barbara J. Evans, Laura T. Germine, David C. Glahn, Christine Grady, Ingrid A. Holm, Elisa A. Hurley, Sara Kimble, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Kimberlyn Leary, Mason Marks, Patrick J. Monette, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, P. Pearl O’Rourke, Scott L. Rauch, Carmel Shachar, Srijan Sen, Ipsit Vahia, Jason L. Vassy, Justin T. Baker, Barbara E. Bierer & Benjamin C. Silverman - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (2):69-90.
    Psychiatry is rapidly adopting digital phenotyping and artificial intelligence/machine learning tools to study mental illness based on tracking participants’ locations, online activity, phone and text message usage, heart rate, sleep, physical activity, and more. Existing ethical frameworks for return of individual research results (IRRs) are inadequate to guide researchers for when, if, and how to return this unprecedented number of potentially sensitive results about each participant’s real-world behavior. To address this gap, we convened an interdisciplinary expert working group, supported by (...)
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  8.  64
    Returning a Research Participant's Genomic Results to Relatives: Analysis and Recommendations.Susan M. Wolf, Rebecca Branum, Barbara A. Koenig, Gloria M. Petersen, Susan A. Berry, Laura M. Beskow, Mary B. Daly, Conrad V. Fernandez, Robert C. Green, Bonnie S. LeRoy, Noralane M. Lindor, P. Pearl O'Rourke, Carmen Radecki Breitkopf, Mark A. Rothstein, Brian Van Ness & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):440-463.
    Genomic research results and incidental findings with health implications for a research participant are of potential interest not only to the participant, but also to the participant's family. Yet investigators lack guidance on return of results to relatives, including after the participant's death. In this paper, a national working group offers consensus analysis and recommendations, including an ethical framework to guide investigators in managing this challenging issue, before and after the participant's death.
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    Expert Perspectives on Oversight for Unregulated mHealth Research: Empirical Data and Commentary.Laura M. Beskow, Catherine M. Hammack-Aviran, Kathleen M. Brelsford & P. Pearl O'Rourke - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S1):138-146.
    In qualitative interviews with a diverse group of experts, the vast majority believed unregulated researchers should seek out independent oversight. Reasons included the need for objectivity, protecting app users from research risks, and consistency in standards for the ethical conduct of research. Concerns included burdening minimal risk research and limitations in current systems of oversight. Literature and analysis supports the use of IRBs even when not required by regulations, and the need for evidence-based improvements in IRB processes.
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  10.  48
    Pragmatic Tools for Sharing Genomic Research Results with the Relatives of Living and Deceased Research Participants.Susan M. Wolf, Emily Scholtes, Barbara A. Koenig, Gloria M. Petersen, Susan A. Berry, Laura M. Beskow, Mary B. Daly, Conrad V. Fernandez, Robert C. Green, Bonnie S. LeRoy, Noralane M. Lindor, P. Pearl O'Rourke, Carmen Radecki Breitkopf, Mark A. Rothstein, Brian Van Ness & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (1):87-109.
    Returning genomic research results to family members raises complex questions. Genomic research on life-limiting conditions such as cancer, and research involving storage and reanalysis of data and specimens long into the future, makes these questions pressing. This author group, funded by an NIH grant, published consensus recommendations presenting a framework. This follow-up paper offers concrete guidance and tools for implementation. The group collected and analyzed relevant documents and guidance, including tools from the Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium. The authors then (...)
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    Michael O'Rourke.Michael O'Rourke - manuscript
    Many philosophers of language have held that a truth-conditional semantic account can explain the data motivating the distinction between referential and attributive uses of definite descriptions, but I believe this is a mistake. I argue that these data also motivate what I call “dual-aspect” uses as a distinct but closely related type. After establishing that an account of the distinction must also explain dual-aspect uses, I argue that the truth-conditional Semantic Model of the distinction cannot. Thus, the Semantic Model cannot (...)
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  12. On the nature of cross-disciplinary integration: A philosophical framework.Michael O'Rourke, Stephen Crowley & Chad Gonnerman - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 56 (C):62-70.
    Meeting grand challenges requires responses that constructively combine multiple forms of expertise, both academic and non-academic; that is, it requires cross-disciplinary integration. But just what is cross-disciplinary integration? In this paper, we supply a preliminary answer by reviewing prominent accounts of cross-disciplinary integration from two literatures that are rarely brought together: cross-disciplinarity and philosophy of biology. Reflecting on similarities and differences in these accounts, we develop a framework that integrates their insights—integration as a generic combination process the details of which (...)
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  13.  46
    Reflections on the Papal Allocution Concerning Care for Persistent Vegetative State Patients.Kevin O'Rourke - 2006 - Christian Bioethics 12 (1):83-97.
    This article critically examines the recent papal allocution on patients in a persistent vegetative state with regard to the appropriate conditions for considering “reformable statements.” In the first part of the article, the purpose and meaning of the allocution are assessed. O'Rourke concludes that given consideration of the individual patient's best interest, prolonging artificial nutrition and hydration is not, in every case, the best option. Although he stresses favorability for preservation of the life of the patient through artificial nutrition (...)
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  14.  87
    Situating Semantics: Essays on the Philosophy of John Perry.Michael O'Rourke & Corey Washington (eds.) - 2005 - MIT Press.
    15 Situating Semantics: A Response John Perry Introduction I am very grateful to Michael O'Rourke and Corey Washington for envisaging and putting together ...
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  15.  39
    A Comparison of James Hutton's Principles of Knowledge and Theory of the Earth.J. O'rourke - 1978 - Isis 69 (1):5-20.
  16.  42
    Catholic Principles and In Vitro Fertilization.Kevin D. O’Rourke - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (4):709-722.
    In the 2008 Instruction Dignitas personae (The Dignity of the Person), the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith presented once again the teaching of the Church on in vitro fertilization. Much of this teaching was contained in the earlier Instruction Donum vitae (The Gift of Life, 1987), but the new document brings the teaching of the Church up to date. Because the teaching is not accepted in the secular scientific community and is often unknown in the Catholic community, this (...)
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  17. Objects, Objects, Objets (and Some Objections).Michael O'Rourke - 2013 - Feminist Formations 25 (3):190-201.
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  18.  21
    Biographie établie par Jean Da Silva sur les indications de Karen O’Rourke.Jean Da Silva & Karen O’Rourke - 2024 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 2:129-137.
    À la croisée de la philosophie et de l’histoire de l’art, Bernard Teyssèdre a ouvert des champs de recherche très divers, ce qui a suscité l’enthousiasme de ses étudiants, mais aussi déconcerté ceux qui restaient attachés à leur pré carré disciplinaire. Présenter aujourd’hui son parcours intellectuel revient à faire redécouvrir certains de ses travaux oubliés en esthétique afin de montrer leur singularité et leur cohérence profondément hégélienne, bien que ses recherches aient pris des formes très différentes et abordés avec érudition (...)
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  19.  22
    What Happened in and to Moral Philosophy in the Twentieth Century?: Philosophical Essays in Honor of Alasdair Macintyre.Fran O'Rourke (ed.) - 2013 - Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
    _What Happened in and to Moral Philosophy in the Twentieth Century? _is a volume of essays originally presented at University College Dublin in 2009 to celebrate the eightieth birthday of Alasdair MacIntyre—a protagonist at the center of that very question. What marks this collection is the unusual range of approaches and perspectives, representing divergent and even contradictory positions. Such variety reflects MacIntyre's own intellectual trajectory, which led him to engage successively with various schools of thought: analytic, Marxist, Christian, atheist, Aristotelian, (...)
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  20.  32
    Ethical and moral considerations of (patient) centredness in nursing and healthcare: Navigating uncharted waters.Deanne J. O'Rourke, Genevieve N. Thompson & Diana E. McMillan - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12284.
    This discussion paper aims to explore potential ethical and moral implications of (patient) centredness in nursing and healthcare. Healthcare is experiencing a philosophical shift from a perspective where the health professional is positioned as the expert to one that re‐centres care and service provision central to the needs and desires of the persons served. This centred approach to healthcare delivery has gained a moral authority as the right thing to do. However, little attention has been given to its moral and (...)
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  21.  49
    Why information?Joseph O'Rourke - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):163-164.
    O'Brien & Opie's admirably sharp hypothesis gains some of its force by ignoring distinctions in murky areas. I attempt to agitate the waters by suggesting that process and vehicle theories are not so different, that classicism can support a vehicle theory, and that several of the key concepts underlying their theory are less clear than depicted. The connection to information I find especially tenuous. Finally, I address the implications of their theory for unconscious thought.
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  22.  25
    Amplifying systems and available energy.Neil W. O'Rourke - 1955 - Philosophy of Science 22 (1):21-26.
    This paper considers combinations of frictionless mechanical amplifiers arranged in a cycle so that the amplified signal passes around through an endless chain of such systems the output of the last system being fed into the first. It appears that while each amplifier may be reversible in the absence of friction, the effect of the combination is such that the signal would be unable to pass around the cycle indefinitely, using the same energy over and over again. It is felt (...)
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    (1 other version)The reintroduction and reinterpretation of the wild.Eileen O'Rourke - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 13 (1):144-165.
    This paper is concerned with changing social representations of the ``wild,'' in particular wild animals. We argue that within a contemporary Western context the old agricultural perception of wild animals as adversarial and as a threat to domestication, is being replaced by an essentially urban fascination with certain emblematic wild animals, who are seen to embody symbols of naturalness and freedom. On closer examination that carefully mediatized ``naturalness'' may be but another form of domestication. After an historical overview of the (...)
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    Tranche-montagne.Karen O’Rourke - 2024 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 2:113-116.
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    Catholic Hospitals and Catholic Identity.O. Kevin O'rourke - 2001 - Christian Bioethics 7 (1):15-28.
    Catholic hospitals seek to offer health care in accord with the example of Christ. They have several models to assist in this effort. The first model is the values portrayed in the Gospels. The Catholic Church has sought to embody these Gospel values in specific teachings. These teachings have been further specified for hospitals in the United States by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in the Ethical and Religious Directives. Finally, the Gospels values are also expressed for individual Catholic (...)
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  26. Beauty from Plato to Aquinas.Fran O'Rourke - 2019 - In Fran O'Rourke & Patrick Masterson, Ciphers of transcendence: essays in philosophy of religion in honour of Patrick Masterson. Newbridge, Co. Kildare: Irish Academic Press.
  27. The Philosophical ImplicaLons of Cross-‐Disciplinary Research.Michael O'Rourke - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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    When to Withdraw Life Support?Kevin D. O’Rourke - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (4):663-672.
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    Enhancing Communication & Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Research.Michael O'Rourke, Stephen Crowley, Sanford D. Eigenbrode & J. D. Wulfhorst (eds.) - 2013 - Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
    Enhancing Communication & Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Research, edited by Michael O'Rourke, Stephen Crowley, Sanford D. Eigenbrode, and J. D. Wulfhorst, is a volume of previously unpublished, state-of-the-art chapters on interdisciplinary communication and collaboration written by leading figures and promising junior scholars in the world of interdisciplinary research, education, and administration. Designed to inform both teaching and research, this innovative book covers the spectrum of interdisciplinary activity, offering a timely emphasis on collaborative interdisciplinary work. The book’s four main parts focus (...)
  30.  12
    Ethical Practice in Clinical Medicine by William J. Ellos.Kevin O'Rourke - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (2):358-361.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:358 BOOK REVIEWS ing and his arguments seem more tentative and relativistic than those offered in his previously published works (Truth and Other Enigmas, 1978; The Interpretation of Frege's Phuosophy, 1981, etc.). Yet he uses his mastery of powerful logical techniques in order to support the chosen positions. This fact might give great satisfaction to a logician, hut the metaphysician may he somewhat disappointed by the meager results attained, (...)
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  31. Aristotle and the Metaphyics of Evolution.Fran O’Rourke - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (1):3 - 59.
    DOES ARISTOTLE’S PHILOSOPHY rule out evolution? The short answer is “Yes, but...!”; the long answer: “No,... however!” Summarizing his excellent account of the reasoning which led Aristotle in book 7 of the Metaphysics to identify substance in the first place with specific form, W. K. C. Guthrie, in the final volume of his monumental history of Greek philosophy, concluded: “Doubtless this is not a satisfactory explanation of reality. For one thing it makes Darwinian evolution impossible.” The matter, needless to say, (...)
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  32. The Catholic tradition on forgoing life support.Rev Kevin D. O'Rourke - 2005 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 5 (3):537-553.
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  33. Reference and Referring: Topics in Contemporary Philosophy.Joseph Keim Campbell Michael O'Rourke & Harry S. Silverstein (eds.) - 2012 - MIT Press.
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  34.  18
    Fundamentals of philosophy.Edward W. O'Rourke - 1959 - [Champaign ?]: Newman Foundation at the University of Illinois.
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    Heidegger et la Question de Dieu.Francis A. O’Rourke - 1981 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 28:412-414.
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  36. Introduction : ciphers of transcendence.Fran O'Rourke - 2019 - In Fran O'Rourke & Patrick Masterson, Ciphers of transcendence: essays in philosophy of religion in honour of Patrick Masterson. Newbridge, Co. Kildare: Irish Academic Press.
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    (2 other versions)Medical ethics: sources of Catholic teachings.Kevin D. O'Rourke - 1993 - Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. Edited by Philip Boyle.
    This third edition has been updated to incorporate the statements issued since the second edition, including the papal encyclicals Splendor Veritatis & Evangelium Vitae.
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    Protestant Social Ethics: Foundations in Scripture, History, and Practice. By Brian Matz.Devin O’Rourke - 2019 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 39 (2):416-418.
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  39.  22
    Queer Theory’s Loss and the Work of Mourning Jacques Derrida.Michael O'Rourke - 2005 - Rhizomes 10 (1).
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    (1 other version)Two recent works on freedom.James J. O'Rourke - 1968 - Studies in East European Thought 8 (1):57-67.
  41. Philosophical intervention and cross-disciplinary science: the story of the Toolbox Project.Michael O'Rourke & Stephen J. Crowley - 2013 - Synthese 190 (11):1937-1954.
    In this article we argue that philosophy can facilitate improvement in cross-disciplinary science. In particular, we discuss in detail the Toolbox Project, an effort in applied epistemology that deploys philosophical analysis for the purpose of enhancing collaborative, cross-disciplinary scientific research through improvements in cross-disciplinary communication. We begin by sketching the scientific context within which the Toolbox Project operates, a context that features a growing interest in and commitment to cross-disciplinary research (CDR). We then develop an argument for the leading idea (...)
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  42.  45
    As Time Goes By: Twenty-five Years of Bioethics.Kevin O'rourke - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (4):380-387.
    Like Saint Paul, I was “born out of due time” insofar as the study of bioethics is concerned. I spent 15 years in teaching and administration at the Aquinas Institute of Theology, then in Dubuque, Iowa, now on the campus of Saint Louis University. I was given a sabbatical study year in 1972–1973 to refresh my mind and spirit. Though my major study and research emphasis prior to the sabbatical study had been in the field of Church law and religious (...)
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  43. Stem Cell Research: Prospects and Problems.Rev Kevin D. O'Rourke - 2004 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 4 (2):289-299.
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  44. The Embryo as Person.Kevin D. O’Rourke - 2006 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6 (2):241-251.
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    Depression According to ICD-10 Clinical Interview vs. Depression According to the Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale to Predict Pain Therapy Outcomes.Sabine Fiegl, Claas Lahmann, Teresa O’Rourke, Thomas Probst & Christoph Pieh - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  46.  70
    In Defense of Common Content.Michael O'Rourke - 2000 - Philosophical Papers 29 (3):159-188.
    Abstract In this essay, I critically discuss a theory of utterance content and de re communication that Anne Bezuidenhout has recently developed in a series of articles. This theory regards the significance of utterances as more pragmatic in nature than allowed by traditional accounts; further, it downplays logical considerations in explaining de re communication, choosing instead to emphasize its psychological character. Included among the implications of this approach is the rejection of what can be called ?common content?, or utterance content (...)
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  47.  25
    Aristóteles y la metaffísica de la metáfora.Fran O'Rourke - 2010 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 23:5-26.
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  48. Induced Delivery of Anencephalic Fetuses: A Response to James L. Walsh and Moira M. McQueen.Kevin O'Rourke & Jean DeBlois - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (1):47-53.
    James Walsh and Moira McQueen accurately conclude that the early delivery of anencephalic fetuses is morally acceptable, but the reasoning they use to reach that conclusion is flawed. First, the principle of double effect does not require a weighing of good and evil, but rather seeks a sufficient reason for tolerating the physical evil indirectly intended. Second, the principle of double effect requires a clear distinction between physical and moral causality. Third, the Catholic moral tradition will not admit direct and (...)
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  49. Situating Semantics : Essays on the Work of John Perry.Michael O'Rourke & Corey Washington (eds.) - 2007 - MIT Press.
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    Effective Decision Making for Health Care.O. P. O’Rourke - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (3):463-470.
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